Wednesday 18 July 2012

How Doth the Little Crocodile...

"How Doth the Little Crocodile" - a crocodile/dragon/mermaid monster by Samantha Massey

About a month ago I received my first rejection letter for law school. It was a short and to-the-point letter informing me that among all those competitive applicants I was decidedly mediocre. I've since learned a competitive GPA, an honours degree, and work experience are not nearly as important as the LSAT. My LSAT score is not competitive. And, I doubt I'll ever write it again. I'm not that interested. I'm not great at writing standardized tests. I'm not sure if I'm really excited about law school anyway. It's the idea of law school that excites me, not the actual schooling.

Despite the fact that I'm fairly certain I'm happy not to be going to law school, I still feel a little empty. My job isn't fulfilling. I've graduated. No more school. I don't have much to do. It's ... weird. Then I remembered that I actually did, at one time, have interests and hobbies. I like to call that period BU--Before University. BU, I liked to watch and read about monsters. I've been fascinated with monsters and creatures for a looong time. So much so that I wrote my undergraduate thesis on zombies. I like to explore fear, the monstrous body, and sexuality--I can usually find all three in horror movies/books/T.V. series/graphic novels. I particularly enjoy fiction having to do with vagina dentata, cannibalism, and sublime alien bodies (cthulhu anyone?). So, I've decided to start this "awesome," empty blog to explore my interests in greater depth. I might even get started on my master's thesis, who knows?

To get things rolling (I want some readers ... someday), I've decided to post a picture of some of my art (see above). "How Doth the Little Crocodile" was a drawing I sketched to "finish off" one of my ink pens. It took about thirty minutes. My little crocodile is composed of a few bodies, including the human body, a dragon, a sea horse, and a mermaid/fish tail. I actually don't own this piece anymore. I donated it to a charity auction. But, there she is. A tangle of strange animals I threw together to make a stranger animal still.  

Things to come:

-A review of Lionel Shriver's novel, We Need to Talk About Kevin.

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